Wednesday, June 6, 2012


With all the excitement of the recent zombie sightings, I thought it was time to launch a blog on zombie news and survival.  In addition to this blog, news can be followed at and the soon to be launch website at .  From the naked Causeway Cannibal in Florida eating the homeless guy's face, to New Jersey, where a man stabbed himself 50 times and threw bits of his own intestines at police. Then the Maryland college student who told police he killed a man, then ate his heart and part of his brain.  What's this world coming too?  Is the zombie apocalypse here?  Regardless of the news, I believe people need to get prepared.  For years small groups of people have prepared themselves with guns, ammo and food storage.  However for the majority, our society is not prepared.

My goal is to see how unprepared we really are.  We know that people won't listen to the government about getting prepared, so maybe they'll follow social media instead.  If social media can take down the Egyptian government, it can surely help us prepare for the inevitable attack of the walking dead.

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