Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Top 5 Zombie movies (and TV shows) EVER!

By Karen D'Souza,, August 8, 2012

The zombie invasion has begun. The flesh-eating contagion has spread to every corner of our culture from video games and movies to television. Here's my list of the Top 5 Zombie movies, and TV shows, ever. Grrr! Argh!:

1. "The Walking Dead": AMC infected the small screen with the zombie virus in high style with this thoroughly addictive drama. Half soap opera, half adventure series, it's a great TV show that just happens to be about zombies.

2. "Zombieland": Zombies head to the amusement park in this snarky next-gen horror movie starring Emma Stone and Jesse Eisenberg. Best thing about Zombieland? No Facebook status updates!

3. "Shaun of the Dead": This British charmer marries horror and comedy in one of the funniest tributes to the George Romero canon ever.

4. "28 Days Later": Zombies move at warp speed in this terrifying thriller about a monkey disease that goes viral and wipes out the world's population.

5. "Night of the Living Dead": The uber zombie movie. Cinema maverick George Romero gave birth to the universe of flesh-eating monsters as a parable about race relations in America.

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