Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Exploding Bags of ‘Zombie Blood’ Lead to Lawsuit

Written by Russell Goldman, ABC News, July 10, 2012

Zombie blood is supposed to be gross, but not this gross.

A company that sells the novelty beverage “Zombie Blood,” green fluid sold in an IV style package, is suing the firms that manufacture and package the drink, claiming errors made the product stink and the bags explode.

Harcos Labs, which sells Zombie Blood and the similarly packaged red beverage aptly known as “Blood,” accuses the companies Primal essence, Power Brands Consultants, American Bottling, and Silliker, which tests products, of using the wrong ingredients, resulting in the product’s foul smell and spoilage.

“A number of initial production runs of the ‘Blood’ and ‘Zombie Blood’ met with a phenomenal success, they virtually flew off the shelves at such retailers as Hot Topic and sold out quickly,” Harcos said in its suit against the other firms.

” However, in late August 2010, Harcos first learned of the complaints of the Zombie Blood product tasting ‘like yogurt.’ In late September 2010, Harcos first learned of the complaints of the Blood product having expanding and exploding pouches and foul smell,” according to the document.

Harcos accuses Power Brands of improperly adding a protein to the beverage mixture during production.

“Said protein caused growth of microbial organisms and caused the products to, in layman’s terms, spoil. This resulted in failure of the Blood and Zombie Blood products in the marketplace and damages to Harcos,” according to the suit.

“As the lawsuit says the products were exploding,”  said Vladi Khiterer lawyer for Harcos. “I know there were some rumors that these exploding products turned some people into zombies, but my client fully denies those charges.”

Harcos is suing for unspecified damages.

Calls to companies named the suit, which was filed July 3 in Orange County, Calif., Court, were not immediately returned.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Motor City As ‘Z World’? Entrepreneur Floats Idea Of 200-Acre Zombie Theme Park

Written by Suzanne Kann,, July 5, 2012

Word of warning: This story is not a joke, although some may find it laughable. Anyone who’s familiar with the long-time economic slide affecting Detroit knows that the Motor City has steadily lost a lot more than jobs in the past 50-some years. It’s also lost 60 percent of its population. Vast parcels of land sit vacant, strewn with garbage and decimated hulks of factories, decaying houses, and overgrown parks.

Detroit population
Detroit population

Z World Detroit - abandoned houses
Z World Detroit - abandoned houses

It’s the perfect setting for a zombie invasion.

Z World Detroit
Z World Detroit

In fact, as reported in the Daily Mail (via CBS Detroit) entrepreneur Mark Siwak has come up with the ghoulish idea to create a 200-acre zombie theme park on one of those appropriately sized tracts of land and call it ‘Z World Detroit.’ This is one of the more unique proposals before Mayor Dave Bing’s Detroit Works Project.

The idea, claims Siwak, involves customers paying money to take part in a 24-hour live-action terror experience, complete with the opportunity to be scared witless and have their brains “consumed” by flesh-eating zombies (who are actually professional actors).

Z World Detroit
Z World Detroit

Here’s the synopsis of this live-action theater: Participants arrive and park in the designated parking lot. They undergo a briefing in the staging area adjacent the Z headquarters where they learn the rules and the scenario for their overnight adventure. In brief, they search for shelter among the destroyed buildings, try to gather supplies, and attempt to survive the night without being eaten by the roving pack of zombies unleashed to find them.

Z World Detroit - abandoned factory
Z World Detroit - abandoned factory

Hide among the ruins of a vacant church or hunker down in one of the abandoned factories and warehouses? Scavenge what you can from the debris and detritus left behind? What’s not to like about this unique theme park?

Z World Detroit
Z World Detroit

Game over if you’re attacked and devoured? Nope, you continue on as one of the “undead.” Think what a great story you’ll have to tell your friends.

No word yet about whether there’ll be any vehicles in this carved-out and patrolled by security section of the Motor City. But if there are any, they’re likely not going to last long (fuel being a non-existent commodity in long-abandoned areas). Maybe a ‘Z World Detroit’ promotional tie-in could be the 2013 Hyundai Elantra Walking Dead model?

Scroll down and check out the video for more information on ‘Z World Detroit.” Or go to the website to learn more. Think this idea is totally brainless or does it have the chance to see the light of day (along with the “survivors” of the overnight experience)? Let us know in the comments section below.
One more point: There is a precedent here. ‘Z World’ will supposedly follow in the footsteps of the Atlanta Zombie Apocalypse. Guess if it’s good enough for Atlanta, why not let visitors to the Motor City get in on the action?

Monday, July 2, 2012

Chinese zombie attack? Drunk Chinese man tries to eat woman’s face during ‘cannibal’ assault

Bus driver responsible for the zombie-like attack took a long liquid lunch before jumping on the hood of a passing woman's car, biting her when she got out, reports say.

The summer's "cannibal craze" has reportedly spread to China.

A drunken bus driver in eastern China tried to chew off a woman's face during an attack on Tuesday afternoon, according to Chinese media.

A man identified as "Dong" ran into a road near a bus station at around 2 p.m. and jumped in front of a woman's car, the Shanghai Daily's website reported police saying.

The man then hopped on the hood and starting pounding on the woman's windshield, the report said.

When the woman, identified as "Du," got out of the car, the man tackled her and began chewing on her face.

Photos posted on and other websites appeared to show the deranged bus driver straddling the helpless woman on the ground.

Witnesses said they tried to stop the attack, but Dong was going "crazy" and overpowered them.

Police eventually pulled the maniac off Du and cuffed him, the report said.

The woman was taken to a local hospital with tears to her lips and nose and would need plastic surgery to repair her face, according to the report.

Cops said the man drank heavily during lunch with pals before the attack.

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